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4 Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

4 Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that the majority of people in the United States diagnosed with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes? More than 95% of all diabetics have this acquired form of the disease, which develops because of a combination of lifestyle factors and genetic predisposition. 

Your body changes the foods you eat into energy by converting them into blood sugar, or glucose. Your body then produces insulin, a hormone, to unlock the cells of your body and let in glucose to burn as energy or store for later use. 

With Type 2 diabetes, your body can’t use insulin. As a result, your blood sugar levels rise. Chronically elevated glucose levels can lead to many serious health concerns, including coma and, in severe cases, death. 

At Integrative Primary Care in Katy, Texas, our providers offer help for patients struggling to manage Type 2 diabetes. We also offer screenings to catch Type 2 diabetes early, when it’s easier to manage and less damage to your body has occurred.    

Since it isn’t always easy to spot the warning signs of Type 2 diabetes, we’ve created this guide outlining five common warning signs of the disease. Keep reading to learn what you need to know to protect your long-term health.  

1. You’re always running to the bathroom (or thirsty)

When you have Type 2 diabetes, your kidneys try to flush the excess blood sugar out of your system. This can cause you to need to urinate more than normal, making you run to the bathroom more often.  

This process also causes you to get dehydrated very easily — even if you’re drinking water regularly. So if you’re feeling thirsty all the time, have a very dry mouth, and have to pee more than normal, Type 2 diabetes could be the reason.  

2. You’re hungry all the time

Type 2 diabetes stops your body from being able to store glucose. Over time, your cells don’t have the energy they need to work the way they should. This causes them to signal your body that you need more fuel (food). It can also lead you to feel tired or like you have no energy. 

As a result, people with Type 2 diabetes often feel hungry all the time, even when they’re eating enough — or more than enough — food. This condition, called polyphagia, is one of the most common signs of Type 2 diabetes.  

3. You’re having vision problems

Frequent changes in your blood sugar levels affect the lenses in your eyes by making them rigid. This triggers issues with your vision, such as blurry sight or distorted vision. Be sure to see your Integrative Primary Care provider right away if this happens, since diabetes-related vision problems can be reversed when treated early.   

4. You’ve noticed changes in your feet and hands 

Chronically high blood sugar damages your nerves and blood circulation. The areas hardest hit are the body parts farthest from your heart. As a result, many people with Type 2 diabetes develop a nerve condition called peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy causes unpleasant symptoms in your hands and feet, including tingling, pain, burning or cold sensations, and numbness. Without treating your Type 2 diabetes, this condition progressively gets worse and can lead to amputation. 

How we treat Type 2 diabetes

The good news is that it’s possible to manage — and even reverse — Type 2 diabetes. It’s important to get diagnosed and start treating the condition early, however, since waiting can lead to long-term health problems. 

At Integrative Primary Care, our providers specialize in managing Type 2 diabetes. Although some people with Type 2 diabetes benefit from medication, all Type 2 diabetes treatment plans include making key lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes can help you manage and reverse your condition. They can even help you avoid the need for — or reduce your dependence on — medications. Your Type 2 diabetes management plan may includes key changes, such as:

To learn more about Type 2 diabetes or to set up a diabetes screening, call 832-500-7585 or book an appointment online with Integrative Primary Care today.

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